
Annual Great Muddle....... definitely not what the Coastwise AGM was !

The meeting covered the AGM and four member's short talks on Wistlandpound Reservoir birds, the INNSHORE survey programme, the Eurasian Shrew and some of the marine life at Greencliff.

Jonathan Nicholl is the WEBS surveyor for Wistlandpound, and the process informs trends, distribution and the importance of various sites. He does a monthly survey, and highlights have been sightings of Large Egrets, a Mandarin Duck and Great Crested Grebes.

Pip and Nicola reported on the invasive species survey in the INNSHORE programme, which follows MBA advice on species to look for. Round here we see Darwin's Barnacle, Sargassum, PomPom weed and Pacifica Oysters.

Stan told members about the Eurasian Shrew, which is a larger, dark version of the pygmy shrew. It has venomous saliva and can prey of larger animals such as small frogs.

Members were given an overview of some of the marine life at Greencliff, including nudibranch and ascidians.

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