
Welcome to Coastwise North Devon

Look below and around the website for Coastwise activities in North Devon which has some of the most spectacular and varied coastal scenery in the country and wonderful seascapes. The coastal and marine life is amongst the richest in the country.

Wild and unspoiled places are interspersed by coastal communities and popular resorts where livelihoods owe much to the coast and sea.

It is the aim of Coastwise, an independent community initiative, to increase understanding of the coast, its wildlife, and its importance to North Devon in the past, present and the future. We do this through sharing knowledge, undertaking conservation activities and projects, and addressing current issues.

There's lots more, including all the latest pics on Facebook:  Link -

Talks Blogs, some with YouTube links to watch any you missed

  • Monday, February 13, 2017 - 11:58
    The AONB is taking a new approach to its North Devon area, with much more focus on seascape and the coast, and it is undertaking a project to assess the coastal character changes since its inception...
  • Friday, February 3, 2017 - 16:18
    The North Devon Biosphere Reserve's  Estuary Project addressess directly the link between farming effluents and river, estuary and sea pollution. Kate Hind has been working with local farmers to...
  • Thursday, January 26, 2017 - 17:50
    Old friend of Coastwise, and author of 'Great British Marine Animals' and 'Benny the Blenny's Shallow Sea Adventure', Paul Naylor gave members another fascinating insight into some of the strange...
  • Sunday, January 22, 2017 - 12:51
    A dozen Coastwise members had an enjoyable mid-January visit to RSPB Isley Marsh Reserve organised by John Broomhead and Rob Jutsum.  The weather was ideal, dull but calm and dry, when the birds,...
  • Saturday, January 21, 2017 - 12:39
    Coastwise members celebrated the first ten years as founder Paula Ferris gave a nostalgic overview of "The Coastwise Family and Other Animals" (apologies to Gerald Durrell). Paula covered a wide...
  • Saturday, December 31, 2016 - 18:30
    The days have only been lengthening for 9 days, but already we're looking forward to Spring and Summer. For the Spring programme of meetings, click on the link in "Talks Series and Outside Events" (R...


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