Welcome to Coastwise North Devon

Look below and around the website for Coastwise activities in North Devon which has some of the most spectacular and varied coastal scenery in the country and wonderful seascapes. The coastal and marine life is amongst the richest in the country.

Wild and unspoiled places are interspersed by coastal communities and popular resorts where livelihoods owe much to the coast and sea.

It is the aim of Coastwise, an independent community initiative, to increase understanding of the coast, its wildlife, and its importance to North Devon in the past, present and the future. We do this through sharing knowledge, undertaking conservation activities and projects, and addressing current issues.

There’s lots more, including all the latest pics on Facebook:  Link – https://www.facebook.com/groups/563739230330790/?ref=ts&fref=ts

Talks Blogs, some with YouTube links to watch any you missed

  • Picture3 Bideford and River Torridge Heritage Harbour…..
    …………..as a going concern is gaining momentum, according to Mike Teare, of the Way of the Wharves and Bideford and Torridge Heritage Harbour. BTHH comprises a number of areas of interest  reflecting the long history…
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  • 1 Screenshot 2024-02-23 103732 Invaders, but not from another planet………….
    …………are monitored by the Marine Biological Association to assess the speed and extent of travel and the likely effect on the local environmet. John Bishop and Chris wood are the core of the team which…
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  • 1 Screenshot 2024-02-17 100000 If Sue Sayer is good enough for the King……..
    …………..she's good enough for Coastwise members. Sue is the passionate leader of the Cornwall Seal Group, who was recently honoured with an MBE for her work, and gave a talk on the Trust's work in…
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  • Screenshot 2024-02-10 121854 Lundy’s a honeypot…….
    ……..for people and protaction designations, as explained by Warden Joe Parker to a Coastwise audience, most of whom have visited the island. Joe is a keen ornithologist and bird ringer and joined the island team…
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  • 1 Screenshot 2024-02-03 113231 It’s War Out There on the Shore….
    ……..as explained by author, lecturer and expert marine enthusiast Heather Buttivant. She explained the various defence and attack mechanisms that marine organisms have evolved, which include toxens, stinging cells, acids, snaring threads and arrows and…
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  • 1 Screenshot 2024-01-29 112312 The Appledore Book Festival was the test bed…….
    ………for Amanda Gratton to see if her talk on "Appledore Women" was good enough for Coastwise members – it was ! Amanda, a volunteer at Appledore Museum, has researched its archives for the background of…
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