Welcome to Coastwise North Devon

Look below and around the website for Coastwise activities in North Devon which has some of the most spectacular and varied coastal scenery in the country and wonderful seascapes. The coastal and marine life is amongst the richest in the country.

Wild and unspoiled places are interspersed by coastal communities and popular resorts where livelihoods owe much to the coast and sea.

It is the aim of Coastwise, an independent community initiative, to increase understanding of the coast, its wildlife, and its importance to North Devon in the past, present and the future. We do this through sharing knowledge, undertaking conservation activities and projects, and addressing current issues.

There’s lots more, including all the latest pics on Facebook:  Link – https://www.facebook.com/groups/563739230330790/?ref=ts&fref=ts

Talks Blogs, some with YouTube links to watch any you missed

  • Screenshot 2023-01-14 093419 What is “Normal” ?…………..
    ……was the question that old Coastwise friend Dr Keith Hiscock MBE, still at the heart of marine biology at the Marine Biological Association, posed to members. He was reflecting on a year of unusual weather…
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  • DSC_8574_330 Burrowing down in Northam….
    …..on a cold day in a warm Education Room. The last event of 2022 for Coastwise was a popular and fully-subscribed photography workshop, held at the new (ish) Northam Burrows Visitor Centre, with local professional…
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  • Screenshot 2022-11-26 115441 Up the Creek……
    …..and All at Sea was the intriguing title of Rupert Kirkwood's talk to Coastwise members. Rupert, a retired vet is a dedicated kayaker, and has undertaken long trips, including the whole of the marine equivalent…
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  • Screenshot 2022-11-17 100618 Whelks and Mussels……
    …..form an important part of the local economy, as Lauren Parkhouse of the Devon and Severn IFCA told Coastwise members – see the talk on the YouTube link below. The Inland Fisheries Conservation Authority is…
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  • PP 1 The North Devon AONB is on Nature’s Tracks…..
    …….left by it's footprints, as the team, led by the Coordinator Joe Newberry, explained to Coastwise members. The Finding Nature's Footprints project, funded by the National Heritage Lottery Fund, has an ambitious scope covering a…
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  • Screenshot 2022-11-04 113601 Evident Eclecticism…..
    ……from Coastwise members who showed their range of interests during the member's session, where topics ranged from scientific surveys to a poem on a horrendously wasteful by-catch during long-line fishing in Costa Rica. Debbie showed…
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