…..with its professionalism and friendly welcome for a large group of Coastwise members, on the first meeting of the new year. The visit was to the Ilfracombe lifeboat station, which operates a Shannon all-weather boat propelled by water jets for
2024 is here now…..
…..and with it, the Spring activities programme which can be downloaded here (click on 'Read More' first) Last year we found that a mix of talks and outdoor activities was popular, so this year starts with a visit to Ilfracombe
Annual Great Muddle…….

….is definitely not what the Coastwise AGM was ! The meeting covered the AGM and four member's short talks on Wistlandpound Reservoir birds, the INNSHORE survey programme, the Eurasian Shrew and some of the marine life at Greencliff. Jonathan Nicholl
Techies Target Trawlers……

……but not just fishing trawlers. Rob Enever of Fishtek marine gave Coastwise members a hugely encouraging account of how Fishtek is designing and producing technology to combat and reduce the vast amount of distressing bycatch that trawling and long-line fishing

(See below for YouTube video of the talk) …..no, not the Disney media franchise, but Coastwise speaker Nadia Frontier when scuba diving in the Antarctic Ocean. Nadia is a marine biology graduate whose CV includes conservation work in Tanzania,
Understanding MARINELife…………
……which is run by a passionate team of conservationists, including Director of Research Tom Brereton who, as well as this role, is also Visiting Professor in Conservation Science at the University of Nottingham and Associated Director, Monitoring Research for Butterfly
The Process of Farming…..
……but offshore, using wind, was the topic that Laura Gatdula, an independant environmental consultant working in the field, covered in her talk to Coastwise members. She was careful to point out that her expertise lies in assembling the Environmental Impact
More work to do around our Devon Coasts…..

…..as Coral Smith, from the DWT, showed Coastwise members during her talk pulling together data from three groups of marine surveyors. Shoresearch methodologies have been followed by Coastwise, the DWT and Shores of South Devon, another marine enthusiast group similar
Birding at Velator……
……….was blessed with decent weather for a good contingent of Coastwise members, with guiding and spotting by resident expert Rob Jutsum. Over 40 species were spotted, along with plenty of other wildlife on either side of the dyke path out
Duckpool really does have ducks…..
……………and was the mid point of an excellent walk – the final one of the Coastwise Summer Programme – which was organised and guided by Martin Corfe. The route took in Kilkhampton Common, Lee Wood in the Coombe Valley, and