…….is tough and varied, as told to Coastwise members by John Balls, a local fisherman who sails out of Clovelly and is the chairman of the North Devon Fisherman’s association..
John has had a varied marine life, having held a Masters ‘ticket’, and worked as a fisherman, offshore safety boat master and RNLI Coxswain.
Coastwise members learned about the safety and regulatory requirements of even a small fishing business. John understands the need for sustainable fisheries, and mentioned the difficulty of maintaining fish stocks when larger commercial operators work inside the 6-mile limit for small boats. He has also helped lobster hatcheries by releasing fry in grounds which give them the best chance of growing to adulthood.
He has noticed that, by marking specimens that are returned to the water, lobsters can move large distances rather than staying in the same area.
John also recounted how he has released marine life that has been trapped by fishing gear, including a large Thresher shark.
Overall, a very informative talk from a knowledgeable local fisherman.