At last (very low tides of end of September 2015, helped by high pressure and calm seas) I at last found the Three-Bearded Rockling!
We often confusingly give that name to the Shore Rockling (Gaidropsarus mediterraneus), which also has three beards. But this (G. vulgaris) is a wonderful fish, quite distinctive once you've seen it (which I never had before).
They have orange bodies, with pink bellies, and large brown spots. Shore Rocklings can also be very spotted, but not coloured like these. Very colourful and extremely vigorous.
Amazingly, I found one a day during three successive days exploring widely separated 'beaches' within the huge Greencliff area, all very low down at what would normally be below the lowest tide.
Lengths were around 25 cm
Three-Bearded Rockling – the real one!