
Saunton Strandline..... patrolled regularly by one of many Coastwise's experts, Rob Jutsum, for whom the term "serious birder" seems like an understatement.

Notwithstanding this, Rob notices a lot more than just the birds and their behaviour, and took Coastwise members on an absorbing Zoom/leisurely stroll along the sands.

His background knowledge allows him to describe where the birds may have arrived from, and where they are likely to be heading, and this all adds depth to a talk.

Artistic Oceans.....

....guided by Ray Fordham, whose travels have taken him round the world, always with an eye on the effect of the sea on art.

The sea has always influenced artists, and Ray included early examples, with ship's figureheads and scrimshaw work (R, top) by sailors off-watch.


The Victorians were fascinated by the natural world in the explosion of scientific discovery in the mid-19th Century, and microscope slides with geometrical arrangements such as these diatoms (R, 2nd) were popular.

Polar Bears to North Devon...really ?....

.....well, yes, as Coastwise members heard Sarah Hodgkiss tell them about her travels to the Arctic Circle and the Antactic, as part of the programme of Zoom Talks in the absence of our normal Summer Outdoors Programme.

The first half covered a trip to Svaalbard (Spitzbergen) via Jan Mayen Island in a Russian-crewed research vessel used for tourist trips.

The sea passages were sometimes rough, but the wildlife on the islands and the views of sea, glaciers and mountains more than compensated. Wildlife included a large variety of sea birds, an arctic fox, and polar bears.


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