
Fitting Conclusion to Coastwise's Year.....

Coastwise's final meeting of the year is traditionally the AGM, with some additional interest.

This year the topic of the Beach Profiles (see Tab above) was chosen. However, first, Liesje, who works at the Northam Burrows Countryside Centre, showed the results of research into huge whalebones which were exposed nearby in the winter gales (see pic, Top R). It transpires that these came from a huge Fin Whale nearly 20m long (r, 2nd from Top), stranded in 1921, and the research found Natural History Museum records of the event.

(Hydro) Motion Pictures

Coastwise members are suckers for a good underwater film, and Tom Daguerre (yes, he really is a descendent of the pioneer of photography) definitely obliged.
One has to say that the film is really a great deal better than the definitely non-snappy title “MCZ: The Marine Life of Newquay and The Gannel”, although “Newquay Down Under” probably wouldn’t have been too good either.

Sealed with a visit to Coastwise.......

Coastwise members have been keen supporters of the Cornwall Seal Research Trust over the last few years and during their latest visit, Sue Sayer and Rob Wells told the story of Septimus Seal, whose skeleton accompanied them to Barnstaple Library.

His story started in 2016 when he was identified, but soon after spotted dead on a Cornish beach.
Sue and Rob between them recounted the story of how his body was recovered and gradually prepared for assembly and display as an educational resource.

Clean Energy Rules the Waves.....

Amy Cartwright  from the University of Plymouth Marine Institute updated Coastwise members on the latest research looking at the effects of energy-generation from wave power on the surrounding ecosystems.

The Clean Energy From Ocean Waves (CEFOW) project aims to quantify human impact on marine assemblages (ecosystem function), assess recovery potential (extent and timescales), look at available mitigation measures, and provide data, evidence and advice for marine managers, government and other stakeholders.


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