
North Devon's fishermen understand the need for marine conservation - John Butterwith, Chief Executive of the NDFA explains....

The Marine Act was passed on November and within a few weeks John Butterwith, Chief Executive of the North Devon Fishermen’s Association, talked to Coastwise on 26 November about the fishermen’s perspective on the Act and its impact on the industry.  John is a member of the Steering Committee of Finding Sanctuary, the organisation tasked with identifying potential marine conservation zones in the South West. 

Shore Safari Guides : MarLIN comes to Coastwise.............

MarLIN is the Marine Biological Association’s Marine Life Information Network, based in Plymouth

Coastwise has recently launched the new Shore Safari project with training sessions for Coastwise members by MarLIN marine officer, Jack Sewell. The project is funded by the AONB Sustainable Development Fund and the objective to offer a limited number of beach events for the public,  including a rock-pool ramble for the North Devon Festival, 2010.

Many Coastwise members were in the audience at a showing of "The End of the Line" at the Plough at Torrington

At the instigation of Coastwise North Devon member Jay Nicholson, The Plough showed  Charles Clover’s film about the plight of world fish stocks, The End of the Line, on Thursday 24th September.  The audience included about 30 Coastwise members, and our guest Torridge MP Geoffrey Cox (seen here with Jay receiving excerpts of the Coastwise Oral History interviews).


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